Monday, November 17, 2008

Fear, Dread, Desperation and Joy

Reading Psalm 116 with my children this morning, I was struck again by the depth of David's anguish, and struck even more by the depth of God's intervention. David was acutely aware of his desperate need for help, for a rescue from despair, for "the ear" of God to be inclined toward him. In the midst of David's pain, God showed up. And just as passionately as he had poured out his fear and dread, David poured out his gratifude when God indeed heard his cry and comforted him. Here in the start-up phase of my new business, after 18 years of a steady paycheck, with a healthcare challenge facing my wife and the global economy teetering, I have become more aware than ever of my desperate need for the Lord's presence, power and peace. In my most fearful moments, I find myself crying out and seeking God's face in ways that I haven't sought Him for many years. I hope you're in a similar place of desperation, because -- as David experienced -- it's usually at our place of greatest uncertainty that God's certainty becomes real to us as we grow toward maturity in Christ.

A prayer for today: Heavenly Father, thank you that we are not alone, that You have not forsaken us, that we can trust You for provision. We give you thanks for saving us and await the miraculous ways that You will "show up" big in our circumstances this week. In the name and power of Jesus Christ, Amen.   

Monday, November 3, 2008

Eyes Fixed

"...let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who, for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Father." (Hebrews 12:2)

As the United States prepares to elect a new president and other leaders tomorrow, it can be tempting to fix our eyes on the promise of political deliverance and take our gaze off of the Most High God who truly rules the nations. I, for one, have found myself becoming too swept up in the debate this campaign season and have had to repent of allowing it to distract my gaze. It's not that engaging in politics is ungodly or unbiblical in itself; on the contrary, Christ followers are called to be "in the world" -- active and involved -- even  as we're not "of" it. But problems can arise when we lose our focus on the fact that, whoever wins tomorrow's elections, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ will still be in control and will still move mightily in this nation through the lives of all who fear Him and draw near to Him in faith. I would encourage us to pray for His perfect will to be accomplished tomorrow, and to fix (or re-fix) our eyes on Jesus, trusting that His truth will ultimately prevail in the election and in all things.

Heavenly Father, thank you that You still reign, that Your truth still prevails, and that You still love us with a perfect love beyond what we could imagine. Let Your perfect will be done in our nation, O God. We fix our eyes on You again, trusting You, in the name of Jesus Christ and for Your glory, Amen.