Monday, December 8, 2008

Desperate for Christ's Strength

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
- Philippians 4:13

"What is not possible to us by nature, let us ask the Lord to supply by the help of his grace." - The Rule of St. Benedict Prologue 41

Good morning, or good day, to any and all who have taken time to visit this link. I write this morning with a deep, raw awareness of how desperately I need the strength and grace of God through Jesus Christ to sustain me, heal me, and set me right. Much of what has passed for "security" over my first 40 years of life, I realize, were props masking a profound insecurity and instability. Having kicked one of the biggest props out from under myself -- a steady paycheck, in favor of a new business venture -- I knew life would look and feel different, and I haven't been disappointed. Through unforeseen circumstances that have arisen in recent days, the Lord is working on me in places He hasn't been welcome before -- at least not for many years -- and it just plain hurts. I share this not to whine but to lay bare God's work in my life as a testimony and, yes, a request for your prayers, and also as an encouragement if you're walking through anything similar. I sense God's hand at work in the midst of pain and upheaval, and I pray and trust that you will feel it too. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope that we have in Christ, and let us keep walking today, whether we are in abiding joy or deep and discomforting transition. 

Father, thank you that you are faithful to comfort us in our despair, to shower us with love and forgiveness as we repent where necessary, to hear our cries when we call to you, and to remind us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Amen.

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