Monday, October 22, 2007

God's Creative Flair

A brilliant autumn weekend exposes His handiwork yet again

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)

“The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it—the world, and all who live in it.”
(Psalm 24:1)

On a scout campout this weekend at Boxwell, a wooded getaway on Old Hickory Lake near Gallatin, every moment seemed to crackle and pulse with a beauty that defied mere words. Stars blazed white against a late-night sky. Morning sun cast millions of diamonds on the water and peeked through trees whose leaves have begun to show off brilliant colors. The haunting music of a skilled guitarist and violinist resonated around our campfire. On Sunday, singing “How Great Is Our God” and “Indescribable” at a lakeside amphitheatre gave us at least a hint of well-formed language to express the creative genius of the One we believe has crafted all of this and so, so much more. Wherever you were this weekend, I hope you were able to taste the flavors of early-fall and to reflect on the Creator who not only made it all, but who also hand-crafted each of us with the same loving, caring attention to detail.

Word fail us, O God, when we behold your intricate handiwork in all that you have created. We are truly in awe of all that we take in around us, and we thank You for how well it reflects Your love and care for us. Amen.

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